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Gas Up the RV. It's Time for Speech Therapy!

My classmate burst through the teal trimmed door smiling from ear to ear. All of us were instantly distracted from our silent reading to a simple object in his hand. A blob of bright red, sticky slime. Another classmate whispered to him “Where did you get it?” To which the beaming student replied, “I got it at the band!”

“What?!” I thought. “ Why didn’t I know about this band? And they give prizes?! Sign me up!”

I stomped all the way home fuming that my mom didn’t tell me about the school band. My mom, genuinely confused, said she hadn’t heard about it either. A few days went by and my mom mentioned it to my teacher who laughed and said there was, in fact, no band. However, the student was most likely referring to “the van”, which was actually a gigantic RV stationed in our school parking lot where the speech-language pathologist had an office. One master’s degree later, I can confidently say the band/van mystery is solved and that student was appropriately identified for services.

To close out Better Speech and Hearing month this May, let's give a shout out to all those SLPs who’ve had offices in janitors closets and mobile homes, shared offices, moved offices (with or without notice), or had no office. You know it’s not the space that’s important, it’s the quality of the therapy provided. You can serve students anywhere because communication is everywhere!

What’s unique about PATINS specialists is that they also work in all types of "offices" as they train in classrooms, schools, and districts. They’ve seen it all and have helped you UDL-ify your space. In the next couple of days, our specialists will be traveling to Summer of eLearning conferences near you, Indiana educators. If you can’t make it to any of those, check out our new Professional Development Guide to request a no-cost training or have us design one for you. PATINS will provide virtual or in-person training no matter the size of your space.

Where’s the most unusual place you’ve taught students?  


Comments 2

Guest - Jessica Conrad on Thursday, 30 May 2019 11:11

The speech van was my dream!! I had so many little schools and envied the idea of not having to pack things up. Now I have a PATINS suitcase, which is more economical and smaller carbon footprint But you are right, learning happens everywhere

The speech van was my dream!! I had so many little schools and envied the idea of not having to pack things up. Now I have a PATINS suitcase, which is more economical and smaller carbon footprint :D But you are right, learning happens everywhere
Guest - Jen Conti on Thursday, 30 May 2019 11:25

A speech RV is truly ingenious, especially for itinerant SLPs. This particular one was quite a behemoth. I tried to find a picture of it for nostalgia's sake but no luck. Now, I'd opt for a sportier version to zip around to schools in.

A speech RV is truly ingenious, especially for itinerant SLPs. This particular one was quite a behemoth. I tried to find a picture of it for nostalgia's sake but no luck. Now, I'd opt for a sportier version to zip around to schools in.
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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