Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students
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SLPs and me!

20 years ago, I received a phone call that changed the course of my professional career. At the time, I was actively seeking a full-time elementary teaching position. There were few openings and it was difficult to even get an interview. I decided to take a part-time position in the Tech Department so that I could make some contacts and hopefully, this would help me to at least get an interview.

The Tech Department job ended up being a wonderful opportunity. I learned so much and was able to build on my computer skills while assisting classroom teachers and other school personnel. I worked with so many outstanding staff members including Media Specialists and Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP). 

Unbeknownst to me, an SLP who I had assisted and worked closely with had made a phone call to the Special Education Director about a job that was posted for an Assistive Technology (AT) position with the PATINS Project. She felt that my education background along with the Tech experience made me a great candidate for this position. I received a phone call from him and he asked me to come in for an interview. 

While I was excited, honored, and surprised I was also caught off guard. I was not sure what Assistive Technology was, but I was eager to do some research and to discover more about this field. Luckily for me, the interview went well and I was named the new PATINS Project Coordinator for SW Indiana. 

I have since moved into the position of ICAM (Indiana Center for Accessible Materials) Digital Services Specialist. These 20 years have been incredible for me both professionally and personally. I have been blessed to be able to impact so many teachers, staff, and especially students. I am so proud of the work that the PATINS Project/ICAM does every day.

On the personal side, I was also exposing AT to my daughter. I frequently used her to try out new AT products and solutions. When she was old enough, I took her to trainings and workshops, and before I knew it she was jumping in to assist and even to present! Now, as many of you know because I tell everyone as a very proud mom, she is an SLP with a school corporation in Indiana. 

An SLP changed the course of my professional career and now an SLP (my daughter) will be changing the course of many students. 


Comments 1

Guest - Glenda Thompson on Wednesday, 01 December 2021 12:54

Just think how so very many educators, students and colleagues (me included!) you have helped troubleshoot AT and find solutions to barriers over those 20 years. Now your daughter continues that good work. So grateful you said YES to PATINS back then. Sharing your skillset and approachable personality with all of us has been a destiny that was obviously meant to be. Keep it up my friend!

Just think how so very many educators, students and colleagues (me included!) you have helped troubleshoot AT and find solutions to barriers over those 20 years. Now your daughter continues that good work. So grateful you said YES to PATINS back then. Sharing your skillset and approachable personality with all of us has been a destiny that was obviously meant to be. Keep it up my friend!
Saturday, 27 July 2024

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