Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students

The PATINS Project services provided in collaboration with the Indiana Department of Education’s Office of Special Education have concluded as of June 30, 2024. For questions regarding Accessible Educational Materials, please visit

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  • Repair of Equipment

Repair of Equipment

IERC issued APH equipment in need of repair, i.e. Perkins Braille Writer, can be handled in two ways.

Send item to the IERC with the following information:

A complete Equipment Repair Form  enclosed in the box identifying the problem;
Indicate on the Equipment Repair Form:
  • To be returned after repair; or 
  • Send replacement. In order for the IERC to provide a replacement it is necessary for the DRM to place an order on the ICAM.  

Send the item directly to APH by completing the following steps:

  1. Notify the IERC of the item you are sending to APH for repair and the item's serial number. Note: The IERC catalog number is not the serial number.
  2. Tape your ship to name/address to the item needing repair 
  3. Pack the item in a solid mailing container and secure with appropriate packing material.
  4. Enclose a note to the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) that includes:
    1. Name of item
    2. Description of the malfunction
    3. Return to: name and address
  5. Ship to: American Printing House for the Blind, PO Box 6085, Louisville, KY; 40206-0085, Attn: Repair Department.  Write return address in upper left hand corner and Free Matter for the Blind in upper right hand corner of mailing container.

NOTE: Be sure to notify the IERC at 1-800-833-2198 prior to shipping any materials directly to APH for repair.

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